We are dedicated to providing students with meaningful experiences that include but also go beyond traditional classroom and research settings. We offer direct, hands-on opportunities, both paid and unpaid, aimed at kickstarting students’ participation in the dynamic world of climate justice. Through these opportunities, students will learn the skills necessary to become effective professionals and climate justice leaders.
Current Leadership Opportunities
These paid interns support Climate HQ’s operations and outreach. They create engaging content for our social media platforms, capture photos and videos at Climate HQ-related events, and design innovative marketing content. They also organize and plan climate justice events, attend meetings, table, and support the operations of the student lounge. Applications for this internship starting Fall 2024 will be released at a later date.
This paid fellowship, open to undergraduate and graduate students across all fields of study, provides financial support, mentorship, and community for students to engage in creative activities, research, outreach, or educational projects related to climate change and climate justice. Students apply in the spring semester for projects they would implement the following year.
These paid interns help shape annual SFSU events like the Earth Week Celebration, Eco-Fest, and Climate Symposium from conception to fruition while gaining meaningful resume-building experiences and community connections. Annual Events Interns work on event planning and production, community and campus engagement and outreach, student organizing, graphic design, and communications, among other things. Join our mailing list for announcements and news on when these internships become available.
Student representatives on the Climate Change Certificate Steering Committee ensure this Certificate best serves our student community. Reps receive a stipend for their work and serve as full voting members on the Steering Committee while gaining professional work experience gain leadership skills.