Our Initiatives

Tree at SFSU

The Climate Justice Leaders Initiative (CJLI) was created to support San Francisco State University’s exceptionally diverse students, staff, and faculty in becoming equity-minded climate change leaders in California, the U.S., and globally. 

The CJLI is a collaborative, interdisciplinary, campus-wide set of programs that build student, faculty, staff, and community leadership across campus. 

Through CJLI, Climate HQ focuses on three aspects of climate justice: education, research, and action.



Every college at SF State offers courses discussing climate change. Students can gain particular expertise by completing the Certificate in Climate Change Causes, Impacts, & Solutions while faculty deepen their expertise in teaching climate justice through supportive learning communities.


Climate Change Certificate

Girl studying on a rock

Centered in climate justice, this interdisciplinary Certificate gives students a foundational understanding of climate change’s causes, impacts, and solutions so they can take action in their communities. Many Certificate courses fulfill general education and major requirements, and there are diverse courses offered from the physical, natural, and social sciences to the humanities and creative arts.

Applied Climate Justice Courses

students walking

Climate HQ offers two advanced climate justice courses which focus on action and support students in becoming ethical and effective climate justice leaders. Through the Climate Ambassadors course, students hone their skills in equitable leadership and creative climate communication; through the Certificate Practicum course, students actively participate in real-world climate projects.

Faculty Learning Communities

faculty learning communities

Working in collaborative groups with staff and students, faculty develop and share best practices for teaching climate justice by participating in these supportive learning communities.

PK - 12 Certificate for Teachers

climate justice signs hero banner

The Graduate Certificate in PK-12 Climate Justice Education is designed to encourage systemic change toward climate education across grade spans and curricular areas. The program uses a multidisciplinary approach that foregrounds issues of climate justice in students’ and teachers’ communities and helps ground climate education within a “pedagogy of hope.” 



Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities

The Climate Action Fellowship and the Faculty Mini-Grants Programs are two Climate HQ initiatives that support students and faculty engaging in climate change research throughout campus. Because climate change is an all-encompassing issue, we strive to include many types of research, scholarship, and projects related to climate change and climate justice, from social justice to chemistry, fashion to biology, and more.


Climate Action Fellowships


Open to undergraduate and graduate students across all fields of study, this fellowship offers financial support, mentorship, and community for students to engage in creative activities, research, outreach, or educational projects related to climate change and climate justice.

Faculty Mini Grants Program

climate action fellows stock

Coming soon! Climate HQ will offer a mini-grant program to support faculty in jump-starting or deepening research, scholarship, or creative activities focused on climate change.

Faculty Areas of Focus

Faculty Research

Faculty and students from departments across campus can collaborate on groundbreaking climate change research and creative projects. Whether students are aspiring scientists, scholars, creatives, or innovators, Climate HQ offers a supportive environment and community to explore their passions. 




Engagement and Action

Across SF State and beyond, we seek to combine our teaching and research with action to impact the root causes of climate change. 

Climate HQ supports SF State students, staff, faculty, and community members to take action to address climate challenges by providing supportive leadership opportunities, a dedicated student community space, and community-wide events and communication.


Student Leadership Opportunities

ERC students

We are dedicated to providing students with meaningful experiences that go beyond traditional classroom and research settings. We offer direct, hands-on opportunities, both paid and unpaid, aimed at kickstarting students’ participation in the dynamic world of climate and environmental justice. Through these opportunities, students will learn the skills necessary to become effective professionals and climate justice leaders in their fields.

Climate HQ's Student Lounge

Hensill Hall

Climate HQ’s student lounge is the place to be! Our student lounge is located on the fifth floor of Hensill Hall. Students can come study, get some snacks, mingle and find community with other like-minded students, and faculty, and get connected to all of the programs and opportunities Climate HQ offers.



Annual Events

Annual Events

Each year, Climate HQ supports events like Earth Week, Eco-Fest, and a Climate Symposium that engage thousands of students, faculty, staff, and community members in climate change learning and action. These events raise awareness and showcase the efforts of SF State and broader community members in addressing climate change.