About Us

Climate HQ was created to empower SF State's diverse students, staff, and faculty to become climate justice leaders.
By actively advancing climate justice both within California and beyond, we strive to create a global impact in addressing climate challenges and fostering just and sustainable solutions.
Guided by our core value of climate justice, we are investing in people and community by developing equity-minded initiatives that reach across SF State to the broader CSU system to address climate change. Together, we are training student leaders, creating empowering events, and transforming our campus to face today's greatest climate challenges.
Our Vision
Climate change is the defining issue of our time.
Recent heat waves, floods, droughts, pandemics, algal blooms and many other extreme weather events have had devastating impacts on communities and ecosystems across the world, bringing climate change to the forefront of our consciousness.
These impacts disproportionately affect communities of color and low-income communities throughout California and beyond and will increase into the future.
Therefore, It is vital that we empower students, staff, and faculty from diverse backgrounds to lead efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Recognizing the urgency of climate action, students, faculty, staff, and community members here at SF State have expressed a desire to be a part of the solution, but often do not know where to start.

SFSU Climate HQ and the Climate Justice Leaders Initiative (CJLI) were created with the goal of transforming our campus and to empower our exceptionally diverse students, staff, and faculty to become equity-minded climate justice leaders while advancing the economic interests of California.
Climate HQ is a new hub designed to integrate and expand climate change efforts throughout campus. The Climate Justice Leaders Initiative (CJLI) is the first development of Climate HQ and is a collaborative, interdisciplinary, campus-wide set of initiatives focused on building institutional, student, faculty, staff, and community leadership across campus.
We expect that the development of climate leaders across campus and beyond will establish San Francisco State as a prominent leader in the climate justice movement, ultimately creating new opportunities that will extend our efforts across the CSU system, the largest and most diverse 4-year public university system in the nation.
California has the 5th largest economy in the world. By working together, we can change California. If we can change California, we can change the world.